40 Merc Conv. Justin’s Custom #2

Let’s move to the back of the car and do some modifications.

We’ll be removing the back bumper, fitting the trunk lid and

semi tubbing the wheel wells.  Enjoy.IMG_1501








Wait until you see what we are going to be doing with the

bumpers.   IMG_1503

But first lets watch

the tub.IMG_1713IMG_1714



It’s coming right along.  Looking great guys.IMG_1715IMG_1716





So we’ve taken a little while off….. Let’s get back to this great build.








IMG_1826We will start enclosing the eng. conpartment and make

the eng. cover.  Enjoy!

















So our client wants custom door handles.  So we’ll give a look at them now.IMG_1867IMG_1868IMG_1869